Furious onlookers try to drag 12-year-old away from elderly man after 'child bride wedding'

In an attempt to raise awareness about the global issue of arranged child marriages, a YouTube star has decided to push the public’s buttons by asking a 12-year-old ‘bride’ to pose with a 65-year-old ‘groom’ in Times Square.

Understandably Coby Persin’s latest social experiment sent onlookers into fits of rage.

Photo: Coby Persin
Photo: Coby Persin

In the footage, Coby heads to the iconic location with an elderly man in a suit and a young child in a wedding dress.

He asks them to sit and pose in various locations, as onlookers watch in disbelief.

Eventually people start to approach the ‘couple’.

Photo: Coby Persin
Photo: Coby Persin

"Where is your mum?" one woman asks.

The man tries to explain to the clearly angry woman that the child’s parents ‘gave permission to marry her’.

"You’ve got to be kidding me!" the woman responds.

In another instance, a man shows his concern and demands to know how old the child is along with the legality of the ‘marriage’.

"This is bulls***! This is not right!" he said.

"And I'm sure if we called the cops, you would get locked up!"

Photo: Coby Persin
Photo: Coby Persin

As he approaches the pair, the ‘groom’ indicates they have security with them for protection.

Another woman approaches more calmly, after questioning the pair she then tries to grab the girl’s arm and lead her away after she failed to answer if she wanted to be there.

Eventually a large crowd form around the couple and one man starts to swear in anger at the older man, telling him to 'get your hands off her' and calling him 'a f***ing sick pervert'.

It's not the first time social experiment has sparked controversy and upset those involved.

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