Airplane passenger performs emergency landing

A passerby captured this footage of the aftermath of the terrifying crash landing. Photo: Supplied.

Imagine having to take over the controls of a plane after the pilot loses consciousness.

That’s exactly what one woman had to do when her pilot husband became unresponsive.

The woman, who had no previous experience flying and could barely read a compass, landed the plane with the help of air traffic controllers in Seville, Spain.

They had to talk her through the landing for 90 minutes while she was around 10,000 feet in the air. A helicopter was also dispatched.

A spokesperson told Spanish media: “the woman kept flying, she did not know how to fly, so they guided her from the control tower to see if she could control the plane until landing it at the airport.”

Sadly, the woman’s husband was dead by the time she crash-landed.

The couple was reported as being very happily married. The woman suffered serious injuries in the crash but she is currently stable.

Morning news break – August 25