Q&A with Lizzie Cuevas

Image courtesy Teens in Trouble and Riki Feldmann (Photographer)

Lizzie Cuevas is about to be a bona-fide rock star. A former editor/PR consultant/event coordinator, she's also a gamer and musician, formerly a member of 8-bit band The Glowing Stars and Sputterdoll.

Currently, she's the singer/guitarist of Teens In Trouble, an indie pop band inspired by surf rock and garage fuzz, which just released its first music video and (vinyl) single for the song "Santa Monica." She's also a host of the "Don't Read the Comments!" podcast where she and co-hosts Jackie Talbott and Tara Long doll out personal advice and discuss the really important things in life, like the truth about Instagram and what to watch on Netflix. Keep up with her on Twitter here, and get Teens In Trouble's first single here.

1. What's the best tech advice you've ever received?
From Nintendo: "Why not take a break?"

2. What is your worst tech habit?
"Tech face" (the concentrated face you make while you're interacting with any tech - phones, computers, etc.)

3. What app(s) can you not live without?

4. Are you sporting a wearable right now? If so, what is it?

5. What is your #1 tech pet peeve?
Outdated browsers and updating software

6. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Teleporting, so I can finally travel the world!

7. What is your go-to karaoke song?
"Lovefool" by The Cardigans

8. Who would play you in your biopic?
Tina Fey

9. Who is your favorite villain?
Walter White

10. If you could create an emoji not yet in existence, what would it be?

11. Tell us a joke:
I gave up telling jokes after doing stand-up comedy in my school talent show in 2nd grade.

12. How do you disconnect?
Playing music and fun weekend trips to the middle of nowhere.

13. What is your favorite GIF?
This classic:

14. What was the last thing you Googled?
"Wearables" while taking this survey

15. If you were a cocktail, what kind of cocktail would you be? And why?
Manhattan, because it seems like a stiff old man drink, and I have the spirit of stiff old man.

16. Show us the last photo you took on your phone

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

17. What device(s) are you currently lusting after?
The Roland V-Drums TD-4KP portable electronic drum set - does that count?

18. What aspect of your life remains analog?
Vinyl records and my dog

19. What is your biggest tech time suck (website/app/game/et al)?
Browsing Netflix for something to watch and never watching anything.

20. Share your favorite tech tip or trick:
I think the biggest and best tech tip is unplugging every once in a while.

21. What reality show would you like to see created?
I would watch "The True Life of Rivers Cuomo"

22. What is the last book you read?
Uglies by Scott Westerfield