The $100 mistake drivers of parked cars often make

A question about parking has left a few drivers confused with people seemingly unaware of how the rule actually works.

The RACQ posted to Facebook earlier this week a question to drivers about exiting a parking space.

“In a median strip parking area where signs don't indicate how the vehicle must leave, how must the yellow car exit the median parking space?” it wrote on Facebook.

Readers were given three options:

  • A) driving forward only

  • B) reversing only

  • C) exiting the parking space by driving forwards or backwards, as long as it's safe to do so

A graphic shows cars in a car park.
Is it acceptable for the yellow car here to reverse out of the carpark? Source: Facebook/ RACQ

A few people suggested on Facebook the answer was C.

“Depends which direction you are heading. If there is no break in the centre median parking to do a U-turn, then it is C,” one woman wrote.

One man who answered C said A was "definitely preferable", while another woman wrote she regularly either reverses or drives forwards.

“Don't understand why people say it’s dangerous when we all back out into traffic at other parks and driveways,” she wrote.

“But legally, I don't know.”

However, the answer is actually A and motorists should be driving forwards.

Under Queensland’s road rules legislation, “if there is no information on or with a traffic control device that indicates that a driver must enter or leave a median strip parking area in a particular direction, the driver must enter or leave the area by driving forward”.

Many people who took the quiz got the answer correct.

“It's scary how so many don't know road rules,” one woman wrote.

According to the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014, drivers who break the rule can be whacked with a $186 fine.

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