Wickepin pool gets taste of the ocean

Perth artist Jerome Davenport has produced aquatic works on the walls around Wickepin pool. Picture: Lee Parker

Wickepin-born artist Jerome Davenport has unveiled his aquatic-themed mural at the Wickepin pool.

The dazzling works were painted throughout the month and are a welcome cosmetic improvement to the long grey walls.

Spearheaded through the Shire of Wickepin and funded through a Department of Sport and Recreation Community Pool Revitalisation Program for regional pools, the murals serve to spruce up the space.

Davenport, a visual artist, painted the walls with aerosol cans free hand and drew inspiration from all things water, including a geometric wave along the entry point and detailed faces of children on the change room walls.

Community development officer Lee Parker said the painting had livened up the pool and reported tourists stopped to use the pool.

“People driving past have stopped to use the pool; it needed doing it was an empty space and it has now become a very vibrant, talked about space,” she said.

“When you are swimming and come up, it almost feels as though you’re swimming underwater with them ... it’s almost completely 3D.”

A portion of the $30,000 grant went towards the artwork and the remainder will go to the maintenance of the building, including fixing roofs and pool maintenance.


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