'Batman' arrives at NZ police station

Never fear. Batman's here.

'Batman' has marched into a New Zealand police station demanding to know what emergency had triggered the use of the bat signal.

The caped crusader, dressed in full crime fighting regalia of cowl, cape and tights, walked into Christchurch central police station demanding to speak to the Commissioner.

It's believed the misadventure was triggered by the White Lights of Hope, which are shining to commemorate the anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake.

Speaking to local press, Sergeant Chris Jones says he wasn't convinced he was speaking to the real Batman.

The man in the police station was too 'scrawny', he said, and Robin would need to be "6 foot 4 and built like a tank to help him out".

After a brief chat to police the man, who was being filmed by a friend, made a hasty getaway, leaving behind several amused cops.

"Contrary to popular belief, the police still have a sense of humour," Sgt Jones said.

Police would not confirm reports The Joker was behind the dastardly deed.