Tennis streaker becomes web sensation

A British builder has become an internet sensation after footage of him attempting to streak was put on YouTube.

28-year-old Tom Annandale had planned to streak around a tennis court but it didn't go according to plan, the Mail on Sunday reports.

He was running towards the court but hadn't realised it was surrounded by a glass partition. His friend captured him running nude, then bouncing off the glass onto his backside.

The Manchester-based building site manager was holidaying in Spain when the incident occurred.

"We’d been down the beach surfing and we were having a few beers by the pool. Everyone was tired but I thought, if I do a streak round the tennis court, it will make the lads laugh and get everyone up for a night out," he was quoted as saying.

His embarrassing prank has certainly given his friends, and around one million YouTube viewers, a good old chuckle.