Two male snakes battle it out as breeding season gets underway

Two male carpet pythons have been caught on camera in a slippery brawl over a possible female mate, thought to be nearby.

The pair can be seen hanging off the roof of a home, ducking and weaving and taking swings at each other.

Richie Gilbert from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 said contrary to what some people may think, the pair are definitely not mating.

"They're trying to show dominance," Richie Gilbert said.

"They're trying to push each others head to the ground."

Snake catcher Richie Gilbert says the snakes are trying to show dominance. Source: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7/ Facebook
Snake catcher Richie Gilbert says the snakes are trying to show dominance. Source: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7/ Facebook

Both males seem to be trying their hardest to overpower their opponent.

Mr Gilbert said the female is probably relatively close by.

"The female puts out a pheromone trail and the male follows the trail," Mr Gilbert said.

Two male carpet pythons have been filmed battling it out while hanging off the side of a house.  Source: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7/ Facebook
Two male carpet pythons have been filmed battling it out while hanging off the side of a house. Source: Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7/ Facebook

The snake catcher's Facebook page said now that it is breeding season, this could become a common sight in the next few months.

The video, which was sent to Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 by Becky Beale, has been viewed around 60,000 times.