Lambie refuses to visit mosque

Outspoken Palmer United Party senator Jacqui Lambie has rejected a Liberal MP's invitation to visit a mosque because she is Australian and a Catholic.

Liberal MP Craig Laundy invited Senator Lambie to his western Sydney electorate on Saturday to visit one of the large number of mosques holding open days, saying she should familiarise herself with Islamic people.

Senator Lambie turned down the invitation, saying she wouldn't enter a mosque because she was Catholic and religious.

"It's not my moral upbringing. I'm Australian," she told Sky News.

After admitting Muslims were also Australian, she said she would not feel comfortable at a mosque.

"I'm certainly not going to go out there just because it's going to be a media blitz standing outside a mosque," she said.

"It's just not my moral upbringing and I'm just not comfortable."

Senator Lambie is opposed to the wearing of the burqa and has spoken out against sharia law.

She has previously said any Australian who supports sharia should not have the right to vote or get welfare payments.