Councils sign new agreement with Vic govt

Victoria's premier has signed a revised agreement aimed at ensuring government consultation with councils.

A new Victorian State-Local Government Agreement (VSLGA) was signed by Premier Denis Napthine, Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) president Bill McArthur and Minister for Local Government Tim Bull on Wednesday night.

It will ensure consultation with councils before they are allocated new, revised or expanded roles and responsibilities.

"This agreement is about mutual respect, accountability, transparency and co-operation," Mr McArthur said in a statement.

"It seeks to reinforce state-local government relations by building a collaborative working relationship and improving communication and consultation."

Mr McArthur said key changes included the requirement for consultation on any material change to funding agreements that affect councils.

He said the MVA was urging bipartisan support of the VSLGA following the state election on November 29.