Drunk, armed thief steals SA taxi

A drunken Adelaide thief stole a taxi at gunpoint but didn't get far because the vehicle was fitted with a tracking device, police say.

GPS led police straight to the taxi after it was allegedly stolen from outside the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in western Adelaide on Saturday night.

Police pursued it through several back streets before the driver stopped and was arrested.

An unloaded double barrel sawn off shotgun was found in the vehicle, police said.

Police were also called to Woodfield West just before the alleged taxi robbery, after reports a man pointed a gun at the driver of a car.

A 23-year-old Woodville West man was charged with aggravated robbery, possessing a firearm without a licence, driving dangerously to evade police, driving while disqualified and drink driving.

He allegedly recorded a blood alcohol reading of 0.143 per cent.

Police said he was refused bail and will appear in the Port Adelaide Magistrates' Court on Monday.