Bogus officials steal from NZ quake victims

Australians are among bogus officials who are going door-to-door in quake-struck Christchurch scouting out appliances to steal from stressed and vulnerable locals.

When 300 Australian police touch down in the city on Friday their main task will be to bring rising rates of theft and domestic violence under control.

Australians, too, may be among those arrested, after reports at least two nationals have been presenting themselves to the fire service as both search and rescue staff and disaster victim identification personnel

Canterbury Police nightshift supervisor Superintendent Russell Gibson said such opportunists were the "lowest of the low".

"We've had more and more reports of people with pseudo professional clothing, clipboards, vests and hard hats going door to door asking about appliances inside," the officer said.

"When they've been approached they haven't passed muster and they've disappeared.

"I can only surmise that those people are there with dishonourable intentions.

"Whether it was just ghoulish curiosity or an elaborate theft plan I don't know."

He urged locals to demand to see identification, saying: "For goodness sake, check who they are, who they're working for and why they're there."

He said the Australian police would bring welcome relief for overworked local cops.

"We'll be deploying them straight into the suburbs first thing tomorrow morning to try to bring this situation under control," Supt Gibson said.

He said looting in vacant homes was becoming a significant problem, with a few arrests made and many more to come.

There had also been a spike in domestic violence similar to one seen after the first quake that hit on September 4.

Supt Gibson said suicides were expected to rise.

"We haven't seen that yet. We really hope Christchurch residents don't let it get that bad," he said.