School rallies for Nepalese orphanage

South Coast Baptist College student Emily Desmond, 16, helps collect donations for the orphans left homeless in Nepal.

The tragedy of the earthquake and avalanche in Nepal hit home for the South Coast Baptist College community last week when it received word the orphanage it supports had been destroyed.

The school has been linked to an orphanage in Kathmandu for a few years through an ongoing relationship with Australian charity In Giving We Receive, which helps street children to find the peace and security of a home, medical attention, education, family and community.

Project co-ordinator Simon Miskin said SCBC has raised several thousand dollars to help build accommodation, fund a school and help with the orphanage during its relationship.

Mr Miskin said the school received a message from Nepalese co-ordinator Raja last week stating the orphanage had been destroyed and the 100 orphans were sleeping rough under plastic sheets in the freezing rain. In his message Raja said the situation was "a nightmare".

"Pacha Kanya School old building is smashed and the whole village is levelled," he said. "No houses left, including Tamang house (where the kids sleep and eat).

"Last night was terrible, heavy rain and wind made the whole thing worse."

Mr Miskin said the school had rallied and held an emergency appeal that raised more than $1000 for immediate relief.

"Unfortunately, our community there has suffered a massive blow with the terrible earthquake which has devastated the capital and left thousands dead and tens of thousands homeless," he said. "Our children are among those who have nowhere to live."

He encouraged the community to get help by donating to .