ACHOOOOO: Hay fever sufferers warned 'the worst is yet to come'

Allergy specialists have warned hay fever sufferers to prepare for one of the worst seasons to date.

Many people are already feeling the effects… and the bad news is the worst is yet to come.

A hay fever sufferer’s worst nightmare is strong winds that send pollen and irritants into a swirling frenzy.

It’s the kind of weather people like Alison Haitana dreads as it causes her eyes to water and constant sneezing.

“I’ve got to spend a lot of my time indoors,” she said.

Allergy specialists claim tree pollens are already triggering chronic hay fever.

Photo: Seven News
Photo: Seven News

Alfred Hospital’s Dr Mark Hew said the real season started about mid October when Rye grass pollen and other grass pollen start to cause trouble.

Hay fever currently affects 3.6 million Australians and Victoria has the highest rate of sufferers in the country with more than 1 million sneezing through spring.

And it’s not just a runny nose, hay fever can impact sleeping and mental health, decrease work productivity and limit sufferer’s social activities.

It’s hoped specialists will one day develop safer and more effective injections to lessen hay fever symptoms for up to ten years.

But for now treatments like acupuncture provide a safe and effective alternative.

“Up to two to four weeks people start to see some significant symptom changes,” Professor Charlie Xue said.

After ten years of suffering, Zoe King hoped acupuncture would work for her.

“I think it will do the trick, I can feel things happening,” she said.