Snake freed from tossed bourbon can

Keepers from the Australian Reptile Park have a simple message about littering – unfortunately an animal was hurt in the making of this film.

Tim Faulkner and the park's Venom Keeper Billy had to rescue a dangerous red-bellied black snake that had its head caught in a can.

The slithering serpent got trapped in the tiny opening of the tossed bourbon can, possibly while sniffing out something to eat.

The red-bellied black snake was not wearing the latest in reptile fashions. Source: Facebook/Australian Reptile Park
The red-bellied black snake was not wearing the latest in reptile fashions. Source: Facebook/Australian Reptile Park

Once inside, the snake could not get itself out again and had to thrash about land while stuck with the unwanted metal hood.

The keepers from the animal park on the NSW Central Coast caught the reptile and cut its head free with some scissors – dangerous work that should be left to professionals.

Once the snake was freed the ophidiophiles had a simple message: "Put your rubbish in the bin not the bush."

The message is simple. Source: Facebook/Australian Reptile Park
The message is simple. Source: Facebook/Australian Reptile Park

Snakes and humans have always had a tense and tangled relationship - maybe it goes back to what happened in the Garden of Eden.

Snake drowned in bottle to make wine

This is the moment a snake was stuffed into a large bottle of alcohol during the making of snake wine. The last few breaths of the snake can be seen in the video that has gone viral.

Man Freaks Out at Snake in the Kitchen

At Bobby’s Kansas home, a snake peeked out at his wife between the fridge and the microwave.

Family Return From Holidays to Find a Snake in the Bedroom

The Naughton family returned home from holiday to find a new arrival in the house – a snake!

Man regrets poking that snake

When this man was walking along a creek in Ecuador when he came across an Anaconda that was camouflaging itself on the banks.

Morning news break – August 25