NSW child mortality lower overall: report

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children in NSW are nearly three times more likely to die than children of other races.

A report released by the Child Death Review Team (CDRT) on Thursday found 80 children with an indigenous background died in 2013, at a mortality rate of 87.8 per 100,000 kids.

This compares with 30.8 deaths per 100,000 children who weren't indigenous.

The report also revealed three in five of the overall 567 child deaths in NSW were in children under the age of one.

The majority of the fatalities were due to natural causes, with perinatal conditions responsible for about one in three deaths while chromosomal disorders accounted for about 17 per cent.

External causes, including road accidents and drowning made up 15 per cent of fatalities.

While the majority of the 61 preventable causes of death were accidental, with car smashes accounting for nearly half of external fatalities, there were also 18 child suicides and two fatal assaults.

Ombudsman Bruce Barbour said the rate of 31.70 deaths per 100,000 children is the second lowest rate since the CDRT began in 1996.

"This is positive, but there are still too many children dying in circumstances that are preventable," he said.


  • Under one year - 303

  • Between one and four - 49

  • Between five and nine - 44

  • Between ten and fourteen - 35

  • Between fifteen and seventeen - 62

Source: NSW Child Death Review Team annual report.