New website to fight fraud

New website to fight fraud

Cybercrime costs Australians at least $2 billion a year and police expect that number will continue to increase.

Until now it has been underreported.

A new national website has been launched so victims of online fraud have a new means to report the crime.

It's known as the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network or ACORN for short.

Police hope it'll give them the first accurate picture of how big the problem really is.

The site has been active for about a fortnight and so far more than 600 complaints have been made.

Cases can be reported anonymously and can be shared quickly between authorities around the country.

"Australia is an attractive target for cyber crime. We are a wealthy country," said Federal Justice Minister,Michael Kennan.

The website is similar to the IC3 system launched in the United States 14 years ago by the FBI to target white collar crime.

It gives American law enforces critical information about who is being targeted, how and how much they're losing.

Anyone who believes they've been a victim of cybercrime can head to the ACORN website.