Young dad's warning after suffocating his baby as they slept

A young father has spoken of his heartbreak after his two-month-old son was killed in a freak accident.

Carmine Martino, 20, took a rare opportunity to get some sleep, while lying on the couch in his North Carolina home with little Lucas resting on his chest.

As Mr Martino and his partner, Hayley Gavrilis, 20, both continued to nap, the young father had no idea of the tragedy unfolding next to him.

Lucas had fallen between his dad’s arm and the couch and suffocated.

Carmine Martino decided to have a sleep on the couch with his son, Lucas, unaware of the the tragedy that was about to unfold. Source: Facebook / Carmine Martino
Carmine Martino decided to have a sleep on the couch with his son, Lucas, unaware of the the tragedy that was about to unfold. Source: Facebook / Carmine Martino

Upon discovering his body in the early hours of the morning on November 26, the parents tried desperately to revive him before paramedics confirmed their worst fears.


Both suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the couple split one month after Lucas’ death.

“There was a lot of blame obviously – of course I blamed myself,” Mr Martino told The Metro.

“Being a father – it’s my job to protect my family, my son and my girlfriend and I failed them. I was extremely angry with myself.”

Rachel Gavrilis said she still relives that fateful evening every day. Source: Facebook / Rachel Gavrilis
Rachel Gavrilis said she still relives that fateful evening every day. Source: Facebook / Rachel Gavrilis

He said the images of CPR being performed on his son will haunt him forever.

Ms Gavrilis said she also relives the details of that fateful night every day, saying she struggles to sleep.

Despite their split, the couple are now speaking out to parents about the dangers of falling asleep with newborn children.

“This could have happened to anybody… this was one little mistake and that’s why it’s so important to raise awareness.”

Things can change in the blink of an eye, and there’s only so much you can do to prevent accidents and tragedies like these. Count your blessing while you can, you never know what tomorrow holds.

Posted by Carmine Martino on Wednesday, April 25, 2018