Wrong Woolworths listed as Covid exposure site

Victoria’s Health Department has been forced to correct a gaffe after it listed the wrong Woolworths as a coronavirus exposure site.

A man with Covid-19 was said to have visited Woolworths at Epping on May 8 between 5.40pm and 6.38pm with anyone there at the specific time urged to also get tested and isolate for 14 days.

Woolworths said it also gave the supermarket a deep clean.

However, it turns out the location was wrong.

Woolworths at Epping North is pictured.
Woolworths at Epping North (pictured) was the exposure site and not Woolworths at Epping. Source: Google Maps (file pic)

The health department on Friday clarified the location the man visited was actually Woolworths at Epping North, which is about 4km away.

“Out of an abundance of caution, anyone who has been to the following updated exposure site has to get tested and isolate until they return a negative result,” the department tweeted.

The department said it determined this on Friday after “extensive investigations”.

It added traces of Covid-19 have been found in wastewater in Epping and Wollert.

“We are encouraging anyone who lives in or has visited the area lately with symptoms of Covid-19 – fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, and loss or change in sense of smell or taste – to get tested,” the health department tweeted.

“These types of traces of coronavirus in wastewater are getting detected regularly – with more people leaving Hotel Quarantine – cleared of the virus but still shedding, and moving around our community.

Melbournians line up to be tested for Covid 19 in Melbourne.
People line up for Covid testing in Melbourne. Source: AAP

“While the detections may be due to someone who has had Covid-19 that is no longer infectious continuing to ‘shed’ the virus, it is also possible that it is due to an active but undiagnosed infectious case.”

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