The world’s most expensive flight packages, from bunk bed cabins to spa bathrooms

Any other airline is dwarfed by the 430-square-foot suite on the upper deck of the Airbus A380 for Etihad Airways  (Richard Vandervord)
Any other airline is dwarfed by the 430-square-foot suite on the upper deck of the Airbus A380 for Etihad Airways (Richard Vandervord)

Air New Zealand are introducing prototype “skynest” bunk beds to eight new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner planes from September 2024.

The cabins will make their debut on the airline’s extremely long-haul flights, beginning with the routes from Auckland to New York and Auckland to Chicago, each of which requires a trip of more than 15 hours.

Only one session per trip will be available for booking, so anyone hoping for the whole eight hours will be in for a shock. Only one person at a time can fit in the beds.

Each pod will come equipped with a pillow, towels, and a blanket, according to Air New Zealand. A 30-minute transition period will be granted, the airline added in a statement, for changing the bedding between each session.

The beds will put nappers close together; those seeking a mid-air nap will be suspended a few feet from their fellow sleepers. However, the pods are not completely enclosed, but passengers will be protected from their co-sleepers by a privacy curtain.

The airline will charge NZ$400-$600 (£200-£300) for four hours in a six-person bunk bed cabin, making it accessible for passengers in economy to enjoy good sleep.

Many airlines have introduced different types of luxuries over the years, but these luxuries usually come with hefty prices. What are the most expensive flight packages?

The most expensive flight packages

New York City to Abu Dhabi via Etihad Airways

The flight running between New York City/JFK and Abu Dhabi/AUH takes about 12 hours and 30 minutes, but it’s more likely to feel around two hours with the levels of comfort provided.

Featuring a separate bedroom including a queen-size bed as well as a private bathroom, passengers can enjoy Etihad Airways’ The Residence for $66,000 (£22,000), which is $88 (£69) per minute. Any other airline is dwarfed by the 430-square-foot suite on the upper deck of the Airbus A380.

Transportation service to the airport and ongoing help from a butler with experience serving royalty are also included in the ticket price.

Los Angeles to Dubai via Emirates

The nearly 16-hour flight is up for sale for $31,000 (£24,000). For $32 (£25) per minute, passengers can enjoy a special spa bathroom equipped with exclusive soaps, creams and a wellness shower.

As well as serving delicious food, flight attendants can transform the seats into a fully-fledged sleeping space to ensure passengers arrive at their destination refreshed.

New York City to Seoul via Korean Air

With the newest in-flight entertainment technology and a cinematic environment at great altitudes, the technologically advanced airline seeks to guarantee customer delight. High dividers offer seclusion, and at the press of a button, the seat may be transformed into a cosy reclining space for sound slumber.

Those with large wallets can enjoy the 16-hour extravaganza for $28,000 (22,000), which rounds up to $29 per minute (£22).

London to Los Angeles via Virgin Atlantic

The 11-hour flight from London’s Heathrow to Los Angeles’ LAX costs $22,000 (£17,000). Fully flat beds, à la carte dining, access to public areas like the lounge and bars, and Clubhouse access prior to boarding are all included in that price, which equates to $2,000 (£1,500) per minute.