Woman slams train passengers for wearing very common item

A Brisbane woman has hit out at fellow train passengers for wearing a common item during their commute.

Melody O’Brien posted in a Facebook community group pleading with people to stop wearing perfume.

The ABC reports she claimed in the post her asthma flared up when on the train due to the sweet odour.

“I am asking you all to please consider how much perfume you wear as I am sure many are unaware how badly it affects others who suffer from asthma, allergies, etc,” she wrote.

“In such a confined space as sitting next to you on a train, it can set off one’s asthma.

“I am writing this now as I was enjoying my train ride to work until a lady sat beside me wearing a very strong perfume.

“I will be reaching for Ventolin for the rest of day now. Please think of others, thank you.”

Perfume is a trigger for people with asthma. Source: Getty Images
Perfume is a trigger for people with asthma. Source: Getty Images

According to a report by Asthma Australia, one in nine Australians suffer from the condition.

Triggers, like perfume, can worsen symptoms like a tight chest, cough, breathlessness and wheezing.

National Asthma Council Australia says on its website substances like perfumes, odours and cigarette smoke could trigger asthma in some people.

“But these do not involve a reaction in the person’s immune system. These are called non-allergic irritant triggers, and there are no skin or blood tests for these triggers,” the website says.