Why are people on TikTok calling for a ‘general strike’?

A TikTok user has suggested striking in protest of economic issues (PA Wire)
A TikTok user has suggested striking in protest of economic issues (PA Wire)

The last few weeks have seen more and more content creators on TikTok calling for a “general strike” in protest of the number of economic issues in America that impact housing, working conditions, the rising cost of living and more.

Alexis Saunders, a 37-year-old mother and aspiring actress, has started a trend on the social media platform, urging fellow users to join them in not working, not paying rent, and avoiding shopping on Friday, September 1.

However, many users have confused her calls for a strike with the General Strike US group, which is a grassroots organisation that demands racial, economic, environmental, and gender justice and doesn’t support short-term, date-based strikes.

General Strike US has been working on bringing together millions of people to stand up against big businesses and the one per cent of the highest earners.

While Saunders is not affiliated with the organisation, she has been posting a number of TikTok videos that support its cause.

Using the acronym MAMA, which stands for “Make Americans Matter Again”, she shared one post that said: “No buying from major stores like Walmart, Target, Dollar Tree, family, dollars, TJ Maxx, all major retail stores.

“Do not eat at all major restaurants … Do not stream celebrity music, movies, and their social media profiles … Do not send your children to school … Cancel all major subscriptions like Amazon Prime Netflix, Hulu, Tubi, YouTube!!”

Saunders also said all strike members should “pull” their money “out of banks and cancel all cards” on September 1.

The General Strike US group have since gone online to clarify that this movement has nothing to do with them. In a post, they explained: “We do not vouch for this movement; we support all efforts of dissent. Participate at your own discretion, as with all ongoing movements.”