Westpac demands to speak with toddler to update bank account

Westpac demands to speak with toddler to update bank account

A mother could not believe it when a bank insisted her toddler - who can barely babble his name - identify himself over the phone as she tried to change details on his savings account.

Michelle Morton thought Westpac staff were joking when they demanded to speak directly to the account holder, her three-year-old son, Toby, stating privacy reasons.

"I laughed," said Mrs Morton. "I thought it was hilarious the thought of him (Toby) getting on the telephone and reading out his account number. It would never, ever happen.

"He can say his name and our address. I understand him but no one else would," she added.

Mrs Morton wanted to update an address for Toby's modest $200 stash, an account she had set up on his behalf, but was told no, he had to do it.

When she realised the bank's impossible request was in fact a genuine one, she passed the phone to her son who got a touch of stage fright.

"I put him on the phone and he went all shy and scared," Mrs Morton said.

After the phone verification process failed, Mrs Morton was told she would need to visit her local branch.

"I appreciate privacy and they are obviously taking it very, very seriously, which is good, but I think sometimes common sense should prevail," she said.

Westpac has since apologised to Mrs Morton for the poor service but says it was a 'genuine misunderstanding'.

Toby's account details have now been changed so he can focus on playing with his trucks and trains, rather than dealing with bank managers.

News break - October 31