Water tanker’s delivery welcomed by Baldivis volunteers

Christmas might be in rear-view mirrors, but the hard working volunteers of the Baldivis Volunteer Bushfire Brigade got a late present on Friday afternoon when a new bulk water tanker was delivered.

The new tanker will replace the council’s old unit, which was second-hand when Baldivis took ownership of it about a decade ago.

It was clearly a welcome addition, with volunteers not rostered to work coming down for a peek at the new appliance.

City of Rockingham emergency services co-ordinator Greg Whip said the new appliance would service Rockingham and its surrounding areas.

“The new tanker has been given to us by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services and was paid for by the emergency services levy,” he said.

“It’s not just for bushfires, either, it can go to structure fires as well.”

Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels and Rockingham councillor Richard Smith joined volunteers and DFAS personnel at the handover.

Cr Sammels said the delivery of the tanker during fire season was “perfect timing”

“It’s great for the morale of the volunteers,” he said.

“We really appreciate the commitment from DFAS. It will service the city for about 10 years.”