Watch: Pro-Palestine demonstrators march through central London

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through some of London’s iconic landmarks to a rally in Trafalgar Square demanding a ceasefire today (4 November).

It’s the third successive weekend that thousands have taken to the streets of the capital showing solidarity to those affected by the Israel-Hamas war.

Chants of ‘ceasefire now’ could be heard down the iconic shopping hub of Regent Street, with Palestinian flags being held up, as well as placards reading ‘Free Palestine’.

Some protesters have already conducted in a sit-in at Oxford Circus tube station, while others chanted outside the BBC’s headquarters.

Five people were arrested last night (3 November) at London’s King’s Cross station after a similar sit-in took place, following one at Liverpool Street earlier in the week.

It comes after Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu insisted there would be no ceasefire until Israeli hostages were released by Hamas.