Seven-year-old crafts note 'signed from school' to request he play video games all night

A seven-year-old boy has tried his absolute best when attempting to stay up late to play his video games with a totally legitimate note he wrote to his parents.

Signed "from, the school", Nathan Anderson clearly likes playing his video games and thinks he should have more time to do so after he wrote the completely legitimate note to his parents outlining why he needs the extra time.

"Dear parents," he wrote.

"Nathan has been doing good in all his classes except for VIDEO GAME CLASS! If he does not stay up all night playing video games, he will get kicked out of school!!! Start letting him stay up all night and start tonight! He can play anything, computer, wii, iPad, iPod, phone and any other electronic. From, the school."

Nathan's mum Lori told News Channel 3 in the US she couldn't help but laugh.

"Immediately I recognised his handwriting," she said.

"But I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing."

"I was baffled - I had no idea where that came from."

Ms Anderson posted the note online titled 'totally legitimate note I got from my seven-year-old's school today'.

The note Nathan tried to say was from the school. Photo: Lori Anderson
The note Nathan tried to say was from the school. Photo: Lori Anderson

It kind of worked for Nathan.

He got to stay up an extra 30 minutes to play his games that night.