'Unsupervised' L-plater crashes into fire hydrant trying to park

A Learner driver received a costly driving lesson when she crashed into a fire hydrant while reportedly unsupervised in a suburban street of Melbourne’s west.

A picture of the crash scene shows a silver vehicle mounted the kerb with water gushing from its driver’s side, flanked by what appears to be an undercover police car and fire truck.

Sharing the picture to Facebook on Friday, Eyewatch – Brimbank Police Service Area wrote the St Albans driver learned “the importance of learner supervised driving”.

An inexperienced driver received a costly driving lesson when she crashed into a fire hydrant while reportedly riding unsupervised in a St Albans street. Source: Eyewatch – Brimbank Police Service Area / Facebook
An inexperienced driver received a costly driving lesson when she crashed into a fire hydrant while reportedly riding unsupervised in a St Albans street. Source: Eyewatch – Brimbank Police Service Area / Facebook

“Brimbank HWP attended a collision today in St Albans. A learner driver decided to take herself out for a drive – unsupervised,” they reported.

“Things went bad when she attempted to reverse parallel park, collided with another vehicle and a fire hydrant.

“The learner was issued a number of fines and more importantly, learnt first hand the value of supervision when learning to drive.”

While the picture was shared to highlight the potential dangers of learners driving unsupervised, many took the opportunity to mock the driver’a mishap.

“Did she have a Chamois with her?” one asked.

Another commented that the driver received “a free under body wash”.

One woman tagged a young male warning him: “this is one reason why you shouldn’t drive on your own.”

Others pointed out the ride was a “hard lesson learnt” for the learner driver.

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