Two states to be soaked for 10 days

Rain due to hit bushfire-hit regions. Picture WeatherZone 2.JPG
A week of rain and storms is forecast to hit eastern states, with hopes it can extinguish bushfires. Picture: WeatherZone

A week of rain is forecast to drench multiple states, with exhausted fire crews hopeful it will help extinguish bushfires.

A string of wet and stormy days are expected to soak parts of NSW and Queensland from this weekend, with up to 10 days of rain in some regions.

A low pressure system fuelled by moist easterly winds will drive the wet change over the east coast states that have been scorched by fires in recent weeks.

At one stage, at least 80 fires were burning in both NSW and Queensland with multiple evacuation orders issued and dozens of properties destroyed.

Rain due to hit bushfire-hit regions. Picture WeatherZone 2.JPG
A low pressure system is due to bring up to 10 days of rain to parts of NSW and Queensland. Picture: WeatherZone

A number of active fire grounds in northern NSW and southern Qld are likely to experience rainfall as early as Friday.

Cooler and more humid easterly winds will also contribute to better firefighting conditions and will hopefully help extinguis stubborn fires.

Rainfall of between 20mm and 40mm is forecast to fall over central and northern NSW and in south-east and central Queensland.

Although some models run by WeatherZone suggests up to 100mm could fall before next Friday in northern NSW.

Rain due to hit bushfire-hit regions. Picture WeatherZone 2.JPG
Over the next week up to 40mm could fall over central and northern NSW. Picture: WeatherZone

Thunderstorms could become a daily feature during this stretch of wet weather, with the potential for severe weather conditions.

An increased risk of flash flooding has been flagged by forecasters.

The temperature will likely drop during this period, with Sydney staying in the low-to-mid 20s for the next week.

Brisbane will stay marginally warmer with temperatures in the mid-to-high 20s.

It is a stark contrast to the blast of heat late last week that sent maximum temperatures climb to 36C in Greater Sydney and promoted extreme bushfire conditions elsewhere in the state.

Here’s the weather outlook in every capital city this weekend.


Perth is heating up on Friday with a maximum temperature of 36C to see out the week.

By Saturday, the skies will clear and the temperature climb up another degree to a high of 37C.

The heat will ease by Sunday but stay warm with a maximum of 28C.


The northernmost capital will get to enjoy a run of days with a maximum of 35C this weekend.

Clear, sunny conditions are forecast for Friday through to Sunday with a low chance of rain.


Partly cloudy conditions are expected for the rest of Friday in Adelaide, with a high of 23C.

Although the sun will come out for the rest of the weekend, bringing the temperature up to 25C on Sunday.


Residents of Victoria’s capital will be spared the downpour due to hit other east coast states this weekend.

However, they won’t reach the same warm temperatures of the states on the west of the country.

A maximum of 18C is forecast for Saturday and slightly warmer on Sunday with a high of 23C.


A chance of showers in Hobart on Friday with cooler temperatures at 15C.

A 40 per cent chance of showers is forecast for Saturday with a maximum of 15C.

The rain is likely to ease on Sunday with cloudy skies and a low of 7C.


Showers will settle over Sydney on Friday and stick around for the next week.

A maximum temperature of 25C will be the warmest part of the weekend.

Up to 30mm will fall over the city before Sunday.


A chance of showers is expected in the nation’s capital on Friday and Saturday.

The rain will hopefully clear by Sunday though temperatures will remain cool at a maximum of 20C.


Showers are forecast for Brisbane for the next week though temperatures will stay reasonably warm.

A maximum temperature of 26C will arrive on Saturday.

The most rain is likely to fall on Sunday with up to 20mm forecast.