Trump Lawyer Says Fired Cybersecurity Chief Should Be 'Shot' For Defending Election

President Donald Trump’s campaign lawyer Joseph diGenova suggested Monday that Chris Krebs, the former chief of US cybersecurity, should be executed for defending the integrity of the November 3 election.

“Anybody who thinks the election went well, like that idiot Krebs who used to be the head of cybersecurity, that guy is a class A moron. He should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot,” diGenova said in a call-in interview to “The Howie Carr Show,” which was broadcast on the radio, Newsmax and online streams.

Krebs was fired by the president earlier this month after the Department of Homeland Security office he led, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said publicly that it had found no evidence of votes being deleted, lost, changed or compromised in the 2020 election ― disputing Trump’s baseless claims of rampant fraud.

Krebs, a lifelong Republican, stood by his position during a “60 Minutes” interview on Sunday night, saying that those ongoing allegations are “dangerous” and “nonsense” and that Americans should have “100% confidence” in the security of the election.

“We can go on and on with all the farcical claims alleging interference in the 2020 election, but the proof is in the ballots,” Krebs said Sunday. “The recounts are consistent with the initial count, and to me that’s further evidence, that’s confirmation that the systems used in the 2020 election performed as expected.”

Joseph diGenova, attorney for President Donald Trump's campaign, at a November 19 press conference where Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell peddled conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.
Joseph diGenova, attorney for President Donald Trump's campaign, at a November 19 press conference where Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell peddled conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

DiGenova, his host Carr and the right-wing network they appeared on all have a history of parroting unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that often benefit Trump. Carr responded to diGenova’s disturbing call for violence with a few chuckles before moving on.

The reckless comments against the former public official come as the president himself continues to lash out at Krebs and other members of his own party who have publicly disputed his claims of widespread election fraud. Some officials have reported receiving