Trump Had Strong Words About Education In His Inaugural Address, And Teachers Are Not Holding Back In Their Responses
On Monday, President Donald Trump gave a speech during his second inauguration after being sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. In his address, he declared a national emergency at our southern border, stated that the US's public health system does not deliver in times of disaster, and claimed that inflation was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices. On top of that, he also claimed that our current education system teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves and, in many cases, to hate our country.
Although changes to the education system did not occur on "Day 1" through executive action — such as the dismantling of the Department of Education — teachers are reacting to his inaugural address about the education system with a whole lot of sarcasm.
In the r/Teachers subreddit, NotTheRightHDMIPort sarcastically asked: "I want you all to tell the world all the ways you, as a teacher, had made kids feel ashamed of themselves and to hate their country." And their answers deserve a big A+ for creativity. Here's what they said below:
1."I make my students feel ashamed of themselves by telling them that pulling the first result that pops up on Google does not count as research."
2."I usually start my class by telling my students that everyone hates them and nobody believes in them. It really gets them going."
"You all are nothing; no one loves you and never will. Now that we've gotten that out the way, here's second-grade calculus."
3."One day, I told a student that he shouldn't tell another student, 'Nobody cares what you think.' Apparently, calling him out on that made him feel ashamed of himself."
4."I've told middle schoolers who rip loud farts in class on purpose that maybe they could feel a little more shame?"
5."I only do my 'I hate America' unit after we're done doing all the transgender sex operations during beginning-of-the-year procedures, with funding that we get from all the FEMA funds we're saving by creating hurricanes and then shooting them at Florida and then apparently withholding aid."
6."I once upset a child and made him doubt himself (his mother's words) because I assigned the whole class an assignment where they had to think about their future and possible careers they might enjoy... in a college and career readiness class."
7."We always start the year with a flag burning and a gay kissing parade."
8."I regularly tell my white students that they are devils. You know, standard Pre-K stuff."
9."I make my students use hand sanitizer when I see them picking their nose in class. I’m sorry."
10."I teach ESL, but I only teach them how to say 'I hate America' and then let them go back to speaking whatever language they speak at home."
11."I can't even get them to bring a charged Chromebook or a pencil... but yeah, I can influence them enough to hate their country."
12."I actually start with woke ideologies and how to defund the government to really get the indoctrination juices flowing because we definitely have time for that."
13.And finally, "You mean the love that starts with keeping them safe from active shooters and adequately fed and nutritioned?"
Teachers, tell us what you think about President Trump's inaugural address in the comments below.