Trump Advisers Float Shortlist of Names for Fed Chair

(Bloomberg) -- Advisers to Donald Trump are floating a shortlist of names to chair the Federal Reserve should the former president win a second term, with candidates including prominent tax-cut advocate Arthur Laffer, former Fed governor Kevin Warsh and Kevin Hassett, a one-time chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers.

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The informal advisers, Steve Moore and Laffer — who floated himself as a potential pick — presented their recommendations to Trump when dining with him last week at the presumptive Republican nominee’s private club, Mar-a-Lago, said Moore.

“We need a Fed chairman who is pro economic growth and for dollar stability and low inflation and we haven’t had that in the last three years,” Moore said in an interview Monday. “We need a new Fed chairman that is going to bring inflation back down to 2% but is also in support of economic growth policies.”

The meeting was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Representatives for Laffer, Hassett, Warsh and the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests to comment.

The conversations are preliminary and no decisions have been made, Moore said, adding that he has not made any recommendations for key cabinet positions, including Treasury secretary.

The recommendations come as those in Trump’s orbit are suggesting names of allies and positioning themselves for key roles in a second administration.

Earlier: Trump Has Raised John Paulson, Others as Potential Cabinet Picks

Trump has said since August that he would not reappoint current central bank leader Jerome Powell. The names Moore and Laffer are proposing are more overtly political than prior Fed chairs, raising questions how the independent central bank would operate under their leadership.

Trump nominated Moore to the Fed board in 2019, but the conservative economist quickly withdrew from consideration after significant criticism from other prominent economists, Democrats and some Senate Republicans.

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