Dad snatches toddler son from dingo's jaws on Fraser Island

A toddler has escaped with cuts to his neck and head after his father snatched him from a dingo's jaws on Queensland's Fraser Island.

Paramedic Ben Du Toit says the family were camping in a remote area of the island in the state's southeast on Thursday night when a dingo entered their campervan and bit the toddler's neck.

The 14-month-old boy started crying as the dog began to drag him away into the bush.

The 14-month-old boy was airlifted to hospital in a stable condition after being bitten on Fraser Island. Source: RACQ Careflight
The 14-month-old boy was airlifted to hospital in a stable condition after being bitten on Fraser Island. Source: RACQ LifeFlight Rescue

"The parents awoke with the toddler crying and heard the crying getting further away from the campervan," Mr Du Toit said.

The father ran outside and snatched his child from the dingo's jaws before chasing off several other dingoes and calling triple-0.

Paramedics later treated two deep cuts on the toddler's neck near the back of his head and some minor cuts on his head at the Eurong Beach Resort.

The boy's father managed to grab him from the jaws of the dingo. Source: RACQ LifeFlight Rescue
The boy's father managed to grab him from the jaws of the dingo. Source: RACQ LifeFlight Rescue
A dingo pictured on Fraser Island. Source: AAP, file.
A dingo pictured on Fraser Island. Source: AAP, file.

The toddler was airlifted to Hervey Bay Hospital in a stable condition.

Mr Du Toit warned visitors to Fraser Island to heed rangers' advice and stay away from dingoes.

"Just stay well clear of them, keep all food sources well locked up and away from dingoes, and never walk alone, always walk in groups," he said.

The incident comes just months after a six-year-old boy was attacked by a dingo on the island.

Just weeks later in February, a mother and son were mauled by a pack of dingos nearby.

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