TikTok star reveals impact of blue dragon stings

The marine biology influencer was stung after he released a number of stranded blue dragons back into the water. Source: julianobayd/TikTok

Video transcript

JULIANO BAYD: So today I stuffed up big time. I came to the beach, and I wasn't expecting to see any blue dragons, but I ended up finding a lot. So I had to make this little homemade bucket thing I bought from the shops. And by this point, I had found like heaps, like if you look in the bucket, right? He-- yeah, look at that. Looks like 100 or maybe. And this is sort of where I stopped up about here. I walked them into the beach to pour them out, and they all came back to me. And my stomach is stuffed.

So a lot of you guys were asking to see the aftermath of the stings. And I was going to put this up because people in real life see this, but whatever. So if you see here, a lot of this is from the blue bottles. But there is something around here-- and I can actually see the skin getting darker-- that's definitely from a blue dragon. And it hurts like hell. It's on my chest as well.