‘Highly unethical’: Model’s creepy encounter at airport customs

A Sydney woman was left confused after an international flight after an official used her passport information to track her down on Facebook and ask her out.

"The customs official at Sydney airport took down my passport details and contacted me on Facebook that night to ask me out," Lavinia White, a Sydney-based model and presenter said in a TikTok video, which has since been viewed almost 30,000 times.

"Hi Lavinia, I work at airport border force and I spoke to you this morning," the message from the customs official read, admitting he's sure what he was doing is "highly" unethical and "weird".

The Facebook message Ms White received.  Source: TikTok
The Facebook message Ms White received. Source: TikTok

"You're way too pretty for me not to," the message continued. "Best case scenario I get a date, worst case I get fired from my job."

Model was travelling alone after a long-haul flight

Ms White said the interaction happened a few years ago after she had returned from a press tour to Thailand after placing as a runner-up in Miss World Australia.

"I was returning home alone (because everyone else was from interstate) and at the Sydney customs stop before baggage claim I gave my passport to be checked and the customs official asked if I was a model and I said yes," she told Yahoo news Australia.

"I just assumed it was a question about reason for travel and then he said 'I thought so' which was odd but I didn’t really think much of it," she said, adding she was exhausted after a long flight.

However, later that night Ms White was surprised to receive a message on Facebook from the customs official.

She politely turned him down

"I did think it was pretty silly on his behalf because if I took it to anyone he would have gotten in trouble," she said, admitting she never would have thought she was being hit on.

"I just replied turning him down and told him that I have a boyfriend (which was the truth).

"I wasn’t looking to take it further or get him fired because he didn’t continue the conversation after I said no," she continued, "I just thought it was a silly mistake on his behalf and left it at that."

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