Thousands of protesters flood Sydney’s CBD

6500 protesters attended the ninth weekly pro-Palestine rally held in Sydney’s CBD. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Flavio Brancaleone

Thousands of protesters have come out in support of Palestine in a series of rallies held across the country on Sunday.

In Sydney’s CBD, NSW Police estimate about 6500 people flooded Hyde Park before supporters marched around the surrounding streets for the ninth consecutive week. A police spokesman said attendees were “pretty well-behaved,” and said there were no arrests and no incidents.

Attendees waved the green, red and white Palestinian flag, and held signs denouncing the violence on the Gaza Strip. One man held a placard of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with the words: The Butcher of Gaza.

NSW Police said 6500 attended the rally in Sydney’s Hyde Park. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Flavio Brancaleone
One attendee was seen with fake blood smeared on his face. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Flavio Brancaleone
One man was seen with a sign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Flavio Brancaleone

Coinciding with International Human Rights Day, the event was organised by Palestine Action Group Sydney, and endorsed by the United Australian Palestinian Workers, Socialists Alliance and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA).

The group are calling on Israeli government to end the attack on Palestinian communities on the Gaza Strip, implement a ceasefire, and release Palestinian political prisoners.

Palestine Action Group Sydney organiser Dalia marked the group’s ninth weekly rally said Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese needed to call for a ceasefire.

“We have been coming out to these rallies for nine weeks now. For over two months, we have been consistent and united and unequivocal with one voice, calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire, calling for an end to the illegal occupation,” she said.

“Our question to you Mr Albanese … Where are you?

Demonstrators wore the Palestinian keffiyeh, and waved the red, white and green Palestinian flag. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Flavio Brancaleone
Organisers called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to implement a ceasefire. Picture: NCA NewsWire/ Flavio Brancaleone

“How many more infants need to be pulled out of the rubble till you condemn Israel?”

She pleaded with attendees to call the office of Mr Albanese, and the office of Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong “every single day,” until officials called for a ceasefire.

In Melbourne, Victoria Police estimate about 5000 people attended the rally at the State Library. Authorities also reported no arrests and no incidents.

About 5000 protesters attended a similar rally at the State Library in Melbourne’s CBD. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling
No arrests or major incidents were reported by police. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling
Protesters gathered at the State Library at 12pm. Picture: NCA NewsWire / David Crosling

Another rally has also been organised at Sydney’s Town Hall on Monday, in a joint event by

Palestine Action Group Sydney, Trade Unionists for Palestine and Jews Against the Occupation Australia.

Attendees will call on the City of Sydney Council to pass a ‘Ceasefire Now’ motion at its 5pm council meeting, with about 107 slated to attend.

The motion will be moved by Greens councillor Sylvie Elsmore on Monday.