Reality bites for streaming council

City of Greater Geraldton councillors and staff were clearly gazumped by the digital television revolution when their first meeting to be “live streamed” from their new chambers went to air on Tuesday.

The agenda forum starting at 5.30pm in the new civic centre council chambers scored exactly one “hit” — and that was by a council officer testing the link.

Viewers showed no interest in the councillors sitting in the Hot Seat (5.30 pm), who were taking on Time Team (6 pm) and the (other) news, so they might as well have been Home and Away with Big Brother or their Modern Family (all at 7 pm).

They were certainly missing The X Factor (7.30 pm) but no doubt (They) Will Survive (both 7 pm) this time around, with the Big Bang Theory (8 pm) being that as people get a better Insight (8.30 pm) into this alternative to conventional television it will become clearer who are the Winners and Losers (8.40 pm).

The television channels might have to look out when the full council is again live-streamed next Tuesday from 5.30 pm.

Although this was the first meeting live-streamed from the new chambers, the technology had a little more success at the recent electors’ meeting concerning rates (73 views) and the subsequent special council meeting (28 views) at the Queens Park Theatre.

The City’s first use of live-streaming was also at the QPT — the Smarter Cities Challenge presentation attracted 203 views.

Don’t want to miss the action? The link is