Queensland couple fail to convince police giant rabbit was long-eared guinea pig

A huge rabbit has been seized by Queensland police - despite its owners’ efforts to convince officers that the pet was not a bunny but an oversized, long-eared guinea pig.

It is an offence in the state to possess a rabbit without the appropriate authorisation, with offenders facing fines of up to $44,000 and six months in prison.

This bunny was found living in a cage inside a caravan after Springwood officers were called to an incident involving the rabbit’s owners.

Senior Constable Ben Sier cuddling his 'fat furry friend'. Photo: Queensland Police
Senior Constable Ben Sier cuddling his 'fat furry friend'. Photo: Queensland Police

While the owners might have been devastated when their ‘guinea pig’ argument failed, the police force appeared pleased to have a furry friend on board – if just for a few hours.

In a statement on Monday, the local police said: “With Easter just around the corner, this bunny got some special hugs from the officers at Springwood Police Station”.

“Not wanting to upset the Easter Bunny and lose out on his yearly chocolate binge, Senior Constable Ben Sier made sure after he finished cuddling his fat furry friend that he found a good home for it,” the statement said.

The bunny has now been sent to a rabbit rescue sanctuary in Grafton, NSW.

We can see how the officers found it so lovable. Here are some of our favourite bunny moments:

Grumpy Rabbit Grunts and Grumbles

This little rabbit from Ukraine is called Styopa, or Stephen. As our uploader delights in demonstrating, little Styopa has quite a temper!

Rabbit Is Ready for School

Lottie Belle is one Mini Rex rabbit who is excited to learn. Her school day covers all the important things a bunny should know, but she seems to have the most fun at playtime.

Bunny's Leap to the Window Lets Him Down

Rescue rabbit Bun became particularly excited one day after eating and started running around on a bed - but his fun ended when he attempted a jump onto a windowsill for a peek outside.

Rabbit fights snake to save baby

This video captures the intense moment a rabbit fought a snake to save a baby bunny.

Bunny Enjoys Dining on Raisins

Stephen Spoolstra said he wanted to record a video of his family’s rabbit “because he is so cute”.