Rotto lifeguards get into scrapes

Lifeguards were back at Rottnest Island's most popular swimming spot this week as summer on the island got into full swing.

At the start of their third year keeping an eye on the hundreds of holidaymakers who swim at The Basin every day, the lifeguards spent much of their time dealing with scraped knees and elbows.

"A lot of people get cuts from the reefs or from bike accidents, so we can certainly help them out," 19-year-old lifeguard Nick Wagstaff said.

"But when the wind gets up, we have to be on the lookout for swimmers who drift away and can get into trouble.

"It is a great place to work because everyone is so happy and clearly having a good time."

Australian Lifeguard Service officer Simon Peppler said lifeguards manned The Basin seven days a week from leavers' week in November to the end of January.

Mr Peppler said the lifeguards meant injured swimmers could be treated immediately and did not have to travel to the main island settlement for treatment.

He said the lifeguards, who are assigned to duty on Rottnest as part of a summer roster, were all fully qualified.

Mr Wagstaff said he had also worked at Mindarie, Mullaloo and Sorrento since the start of summer.