The single word millions should never say across Australia

The local screwed up her face and gave the visitor a word of warning after learning she was from Sydney.

A woman travelling through a "tiny little country town" has learned the hard way that some things are best left unsaid when travelling through regional Australia.

Earlier this week Daphne Berry was walking down the street in a rural town when a local took interest in her — clearly noticing she wasn't from the area. The "lovely" woman approached her and wished her a 'Happy New Year' before asking if she had recently moved to town, to which Daphne admitted she was simply visiting.

"No I'm actually from Sydney," Daphne recalled saying online.

Daphne Berry makes the face the local made when she said the controversial word 'Sydney'. Right, she smiled to the camera.
Sydney resident Daphne Berry shared her experience of being made to feel unwelcome in an unnamed country town. Source: TikTok

It was then the interaction turned. "The moment I said 'Sydney' this woman's face," Daphne said, screwing her face up and withdrawing from the camera, mimicking the local's expression.


It appears the local had a particular dislike for NSW's capital city and those who reside in it, warning the visitor to not mention it in future conversations. "We don't say the S word around here dear," the local said, with Daphne apologising and retreating away quickly.

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Daphne jokingly said her recent interaction should be a warning to millions of others to keep their lips sealed and not utter the one word which will likely flip a local's perspective. Although it is unclear which regional town Daphne was visiting, it seems many hold the same opinion across the country.

"This is relatable I used to live in a country town and would hide if I went to Sydney," one Aussie wrote, with another saying "everyone who’s not from Sydney has this reaction!".


However, others defended living in the city with one resident admitting they "thank my lucky stars everyday" for living in Sydney.

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