The secret code words you never want to hear from crew on a flight

While at first glance they may appear calm and full of smiles, the cabin crew on board your flight have their own methods for dealing with mid-air scares and infuriating passengers – a secret language.

For restless flyers digging their fingernails into armrests, it’s probably best you don’t completely understand the jargon floating up and down the aisles while you are 30,000 feet in the air.

Whether it’s a missing child, a problem with an engine or a terrorist threat, there’s no surer way to cause mass panic than by announcing it over the loud speaker.

Flight attendant and author of the Crewed Talk column on Amanda Pleva said a series of codes are used to keep order during turbulent situations.

Cabin crew have their own language that they can use without alarming passengers. Source: Getty
Cabin crew have their own language that they can use without alarming passengers. Source: Getty

“Codes are used by crew in order to maintain calm and order in the cabin,” flight attendant and columnist at FlyerTalk, Amanda Pleva, said.


“We’re specially trained in emergency situations, and panic can cause us to lose control of a situation and end up in injury or death.”

Here are some of the more commonly used code words you don’t want to hear on your next flight.

If a pilot "squawks 7500" it means the plane has been hijacked, or there has been a hijacking threat.

While they may seem lovely and patient, dealing with hundreds of people in a confined space for hours on end can understandably take it’s toll on flight attendants.

"If a passenger is being very rude and difficult, then it’s not unheard of for a flight attendant to break wind and 'cropdust' past the offender,” Ms Pleva explained.

"Childish? Yes. Satisfying? Also yes."

Code Adam
This is used by airport staff to alert other staff of a missing child, in honour of Adam Walsh, a child who was abducted in a department store in 1981.

Air pocket
Pilot-speak for turbulence.


Baby Jesus
An infant passenger whose parents treat it with utmost importance, which may result in a lack of polite behaviour.

Miracle flight
This one is aimed towards elderly passengers who require assistance to board the plane but “miraculously” do not need wheelchairs anymore when it’s time to leave.

Last minute paperwork
Get ready for a delay.

Newsbreak - November 8