Dog adopts abandoned pups after losing her own babies

Blossom the shelter dog recently lost two of her three newborn puppies after they picked up an infection in utero, and she was absolutely devastated.

She would search the house for her missing babies, and stopped eating, her foster mum Maggie Escriva explained.

The next day, Escriva heard about a litter of puppies who had been thrown out the window of a moving truck. Two didn't make it, but six survived.

Escriva wasn't sure if Blossom would accept them, but she looked at the puppies, and immediately started cleaning and feeding them.

Credit: Maggie Escriva
Credit: Maggie Escriva

“I find it very inspiring to see a beautiful creature like Blossom suffer such a heartbreaking loss and turn her full attention to caring for needy puppies, saving their lives,” Escriva told The Dodo. “Blossom is teaching us that the best way to heal is to help others.”