Terrifying footage of toddler playing on third-storey window ledge

Heart-stopping footage has emerged of a toddler climbing out of a window and playing on the ledge of a third-storey apartment in Brazil.

The child climbs out, feels its way back and forth across the incredibly narrow window legde at least twice before it is pulled inside by an adult.

The child was three storey's up as it walked along the narrow ledge of a window. Photo: Facebook/Marcelo Torres
The child was three storey's up as it walked along the narrow ledge of a window. Photo: Facebook/Marcelo Torres

The video was taken by a neighbour on Sunday and posted on Youtube, leading to social services being called to the house, the Mirror reported.

The family was reportedly given a warning not to expose the child to any more danger.

The child was pulled back in the window after what seemed an eternity. Photo: Facebook/Marcelo Torres
The child was pulled back in the window after what seemed an eternity. Photo: Facebook/Marcelo Torres

“We went to see the family and spoke with the child’s grandfather who is the owner of the flat,” Social services chief Leonardo Urcini said.

“He said that at the moment the incident happened he wasn’t at home and the child was being cared for by a domestic worker.”

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