Teen plunges to death in extreme selfie attempt

A 19-year-old sustained horrific injuries after trying to climb a waterfall for the perfect photo.

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A teenager died earlier this month after losing his balance and falling while trying to take a selfie on the edge of a waterfall in Brazil.

Victim Francisco Moises Justino da Cruz, from Fortaleza, had scrambled up rocks to reach the top of the cascade in Baturite, Ceara State, local media reported.

Despite being warned by his pals about the potential danger of his quest, the 19-year-old had gone to the edge of the torrent to try to snap a photo of himself.

Waterfall; Brazilian teen who died taking selfie
The Brazilian teen died from his injuries before emergency services arrived. Source: CEN/Australscope

After losing his balance, he plunged from a height of about five metres and landed on rocks, sustaining horrific injuries. When security teams arrived on the scene, Mr Cruz was already dead.

The victim had travelled to his aunt's home in Baturite to spend the bank holiday with his family. He had been due to return home shortly after the accident happened.

The case is now being investigated by the Regional Police Station in Baturite.

Between February and April, inland cities in Ceara received an above-average volume of rain for the period, causing many rivers and waterfalls to overflow and attract visitors.

Since the beginning of the year, seven people in Ceara have died as a result of the rains, according to the Civil Defence.

Risking it all for a selfie

Mr Cruz's death comes after more than 20 people were ordered to leave a Queensland national park for putting their lives at risk in pursuit of a perfect picture at Josephine Falls in January.

Amid growing concern about visitor behaviour at the popular selfie spot about an hour's drive south of Cairns, rangers also issued six $431 fines for entering a restricted area.

- CEN/Australscope

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