'Crankiest bartender in town': Pub's cheeky response to negative review

An Inner Sydney pub has responded to a review about having “the crankiest bar tender in town” with a cheeky response explaining that even hospitality staff aren’t immune to the current climate.

The Cricketers Arms Pub in Surry Hills posted the review and their response on their Facebook page.

“Nice bar, but has the crankiest bar tender in town,” a woman know only as Lisa wrote on the pub’s social media page.

Lisa said that she was a regular at the watering hole but “the barman really dampened our spirits on Saturday night,” adding that two other patrons have agreed with her.

The Cricketers Arms Pub responds to a review about their 'cranky staff'
An Inner Sydney pub has responded to a review about “the crankiest bar tender in town” with a cheeky response. Source: Facebook/Cricketers Arms Pub

The bar responded by saying that 2020 had not been the most positive year and even hospitality staff were allowed to have a bad day.

“We’ve had a chat with our barman regarding this and he’d like it to be publicly known that the ongoing instability of global recession that could render him unemployed at any moment, the lurking danger of COVID-19 potentially killing everyone he loves, the destruction of entire ecosystems due to climate change and the inability to find a bloody cheap pouch of tobacco in the inner-city has all made it quite difficult for him to find much joy in life at the current moment,” the cheeky response reads.

There was also a promise from the staff member in question to make more of an effort to smile.

Pictured is the The Cricketers Arms Pub in Surry Hills.
The Cricketers Arms Pub in Surry Hills. Source: Cricketers Arms Pub

Locals of the pub responded to the post offering comfort and even a congratulations to The Cricketers Arms staff.

“A huge hug to barman... sure is some weird a** times,” one person wrote.

“Crankiest in Sydney? That's some achievement,” another person replied.

The next day the bar posted a picture of the ‘cranky bar tender’ with a huge smile on his face as he poured a cold beer for a customer, joking that he had received some training.

“Fresh back from hospo re-education and loving it,” the photo of the happy bar tender was captioned.

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