SW Targa conditions test drivers

Poor weather did not deter big crowds of spectators at the 2015 Targa South West rally, which provided some of the best Targa action seen in many years.

Stages held in Manjimup, Pemberton and country roads drew crowds, as more than 35 rally cars converged to the southern forests region for the annual event.

The event included many different types of cars being showcased including Porsches, Subarus, Holdens, Chevrolets and Mustangs.

Targa West event organiser David Smith said it was a brilliant weekend, with a mix of dry, wet and intermediate roads to keep drivers on their toes.

"The support from Manjimup and Pemberton was great, and everyone did right at their residences and on the roads," he said.

"There we no issues or crashes at all."

Although the event is only classed as a test and tune event for rally drivers, with no seasonal points, the action was exciting and left people wanting more.

Smith said of the total drivers, more 30 per cent were rookies to the event.

"That is very encouraging and we had good feedback about the event from them," he said.

The action kicked off Friday, with the Charity hill climb on Pump Hill Road.

The Targa weekend, including the charity hill climb, raised $4080 for the Pemberton Help-a-Mate charitable initiative.

"Perth driver Doug Stevenson was a stand-out, he kept taking people out in his Commodore ute," Smith said.

On Saturday, rally action began with stages held at Big Brook Dam, Gloucester and Manjimup town.

Forty cars started the event, with as many as 10 left to sort out mechanical dramas by Sunday, where the Pemberton town stage and Pump Hill stage were being held.

For Targa South West news, visit www.targasouthwest.com.au .