Study boosts hopes for schizophrenia drugs

The discovery of more than 80 schizophrenia markers could lead to new treatments for the disorder, researchers say.

More than 100 genetic markers, - 83 previously unidentified - have been mapped in the largest study of its kind in the world.

The DNA samples of close to 37,000 schizophrenia patients were tested against 113,000 control samples during the three-year study.

Australians were among the researchers from 200 organisations that found markers converged on genes that would become brain or immune tissues.

The type 2 dopamine receptor, which has long been the target of antipsychotic medications, was found to play an important part in the illness.

But, so to was a previously overlooked glutamate receptor, which UQ Brain Institute professor Bryan Mowry hopes could be the target of further treatment research.

"This is something we desperately need because the current drugs for schizophrenia are not effective in all people," he told AAP.

"We are now unravelling the very complex biological foundation and... developing, hopefully, potential treatments that don't have the side effects of our current medications."

The Schizophrenia Research Institute estimates 85 per cent of Australian schizophrenia sufferers end up on welfare and 50 per cent attempt suicide.

Prof Mowry says the results of the study should provide hope to sufferers, their families and carers.