Students plead for exam leniency

Food poisoning, a nosebleed, heat exhaustion and heavy periods were among the reasons 317 Year 12 students were granted concessions for their end-of- year exams.

But applications for leniency from students who claimed to have the flu, burns or who experienced problems during their exams last year were knocked back by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority's sickness and mis-adventure committee.

Figures released yesterday reveal that 359 students applied for special consideration because they were unwell or traumatised during their WA Certificate of Education exams, with 42 refused.

Students have to provide evidence from an independent witness or a doctor's certificate or police report.

If an application is approved, the authority derives an exam mark from the student's school results. If the student also sat the exam, it uses whichever score is higher out of their actual exam mark or the calculated mark.

There were 30 claims from students who had broken or injured their arm, wrist or fingers - with 29 accepted - and another 28 applications for leg, knee or foot injuries.