Space Object Lights Up Melbourne Sky

A space object lit up the sky over Melbourne, Victoria, on Monday, August 7.

Video filmed by Rahul Kagda from the southeastern suburb of Dandenong shows the object streaking across the night’s sky, leaving a trail of light behind it.

The Australian Space Agency said the sighting was “likely the remnants of a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere” after the nation launched a new global navigation satellite into orbit.

“This launch was notified and remnants of the rocket were planned to safely re-enter the atmosphere into the ocean off the south-east coast of Tasmania,” the agency said.

Local media reported similar sightings across the city, and other sky-watchers posted videos online showing the same phenomenon. Credit: Rahul Kagda via Storyful

Video transcript

- OK, bro.

OK, bro.

OK, bro.