Son Surprises Stepdad With Sweet Gesture at High School Graduation

A son surprised his stepdad by taking his last name at his high school graduation ceremony in Lyndon Center, Vermont, on June 2.

Video captured by Elizabeth Anne Klun shows her son Greg walking across the stage to accept his diploma.

Her husband Jeff is seen breaking into a smile as he hears his last name, Klun, announced in place of Greg’s legal last name.

“My husband has been helping me raise my two boys since 2016 when we started dating,” Klun told Storyful.

“When he moved in with us in 2018, he took on the full-time role of dad to them, never hesitating,” she said.

“He has gone to every appointment, every meeting; he taught Greg how to shave, how to drive.” Credit: Elizabeth Anne Klun via Storyful

Video transcript


e Phoenix, James Danger Compton.

Oh Gregory Clone.

I don't worry Mire, I read theory.. No.
