SME Season: So your start-up's a success... now what? | Podcast

How Tobi encouraged people to work for a small firm  (Making Moves)
How Tobi encouraged people to work for a small firm (Making Moves)

Continuing our season looking at the SME market, we're looking at what happens when you're start-up is a hit? What do you do next?

Joining the show is Making Moves founder and CEO Tobi Crosbie.

His office space rental company is about to celebrate its tenth anniversary, having come through the pandemic-induced era of home working.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Why Tobi sold his flat to start up a new company

  • How he encouraged people to work for a small firm

  • The big deal that changed everything

  • Is home working on its way out?

  • How do you celebrate ten years in business?

  • What's next for the company?

Listen above, or wherever you find your podcasts.